How Do You Frame A Rug?

How Do You Frame A Rug?

Create Beautiful Framed Wall Rugs

One of the reasons why tufting has become so popular is the creativity and flexibility with the design. Actually, it is a process to create floor rugs. But it allows you to explore creativity and transform it into different forms. You don’t have to stick to the general rules with it. 

Framing it can be one of the best ways to use a tufted rug. You can easily place a tufted rug into a frame and hang it on the wall as an excellent decoration for your space. The easiest way is to design your rug specifically for this purpose with the dimensions of the frame you have. After the rug is done, you can simply place it on the frame and use it. But of course, it is possible to create your custom frame for a specific rug as well.

In the following article sections, let’s see how to place your rug into a frame, the different backing alternatives, and how to make your DIY frame. 

Backing Alternatives

Before we dive deep into the questions related to framing, let’s discuss all the different backing alternatives available to use to finish a rug. The main and the most common way is to apply the non-slip backing fabric. This material looks clean and high quality and increases the rug’s durability. Because if you don’t cover the backside, over time, the yarn strips may start to come out even if you apply a good amount of glue. 

If you can not find non-slip fabric, you can use any fabric to cover the backside. Felt carpet backing is one of the other popular options. This is a thick and durable material, so it can also be a good option for you.

These materials are popular to use in the case of floor rugs. If you are not planning to use the rug as a floor rug, you may consider other materials, such as hardboard. For wall hanging rugs, depending on the shape, the edges can fold and fall down when you hang them on the wall. In order to prevent this from happening, applying and kind of rigid material on the back would help. 

You can also you the same hard cover for the tufted mirrors. It is even more critical to have a hard surface for the mirror to protect the mirror part from the back. Otherwise, it can easily break, or the corners can fold on it. 

The idea of using a frame as a backing material for the rugs is similar to hardboard but fancier. It can add a great touch to it.

Why Should You Frame A Rug?

Firstly, as a short answer; Why not? Because it immediately transforms a good piece into an incredible decoration object. It doesn’t require a lot of work, material, or time. All you need is either purchase a ready-to-use frame, or if you are more into it, you can DIY your own frame with the exact dimensions of your rug. 

Of course, purchasing a ready frame is way more straightforward, but you can not use all of your existing rugs in this case. Most probably, the dimensions won’t fit perfectly. That’s why I recommend purchasing the frame first and designing a piece specifically for that if you want to have a framed wall hanging. 

But if you decide to create the frame yourself, you have much more flexibility. You can even create a frame with a more organic, curved shape if your design requires that. The other materials won’t cost much if you have the necessary tools. 

Store-bought Frame

It can be found in many local places in various dimensions, colors, and materials. You can find many options in a furniture store like IKEA or anything in that category. There are many available different dimensions and shapes for various purposes. You have a high chance of finding the right fit for your design. 

You can check to find hundreds of available frame options online as well. Depending on the quality and the material, it is possible to find a frame approximately for zz$. You can check the current prices here.

DIY Frame

Suppose you cannot find the right frame for yourself; you can always try to create it. If you have the necessary hardware tools to cut and process the wooden pieces (assuming you want a wooden frame), other materials will not add a high cost. All you need is a larger piece for the backside and some elements around the edges, depending on your desired design. You can even get creative and use the existing, leftover piece from previous projects. 

The first step is to measure the dimensions of the frame. I recommend finishing the rug and measuring it when it is entirely ready. Because it would be harder to adjust even the minor differences. Afterward, cut all the necessary pieces before you assemble any of them. When all the parts are ready, you can first test with the rug placed in it first, and after a final check, you can assemble it. 

You can find a great tutorial about how to do DIY Frame here. 

How To Assemble It

You can create an entirely different feeling for your rugs with a small extra effort. If you are trying to transform your tufting hobby into a new business or a side hustle, selling framed rugs is a great idea. They are trendy on online marketplaces like Etsy. Check How To Sell Tutufted Rugs? The 3 Best Ways to learn more about selling tufted rugs.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.