Is tufting gun dangerous? You should be careful about these.

Is tufting dangerous?

The Tufting rugs gain a lot of popularity in 2020 and a great number of people started to be interested in rug tufting with the Tufting Guns. It is a cool hobby to create custom rugs but, it can be quite dangerous -as it sounds- if we do not be careful enough.

The Tufting Gun is a great tool for creatives, it is way faster, cost-effective, and fun to use but yes, it can be dangerous. The needle in the tip and the scissors placed under the needle may become dangerous. It should be turned on only when it is properly placed onto the tufting cloth.

There are a few important concerns to be thoughtful about in the tufting process. Let’s talk about each of these issues and what can be done to overcome these problems.

A Great Number Of Sharp Objects Involves In The Process

Tufting Gun’s needle and moving scissors, the stretching nails on the tufting frame, shaping scissors, trimming tools, and so on… A lot of tools with sharp edges take place in the tufting process and this is one of the main reasons why it can become dangerous. Especially, you should be careful with the moving parts like the needle and the scissors of the tufting gun. The Tufting Gun should always be turned off from the on/off switch if it is not on the cloth and ready for tufting.

If you are not tufting alone, you should check and be sure that there is no one close to the cloth on the other side. After you started tufting the cloth can move with the pressure a bit and if there is someone close to the tufting frame it can easily hurt him/her.

Keep Your Lungs Healthy

If you are tufting indoors especially in closed spaces without proper ventilation, It is time to reconsider the location of your tufting station. The fiber particles can accumulate in the air as you do tufting and these particles can reach the lungs with the air. The amount of fiber particles can be different depending on the tufting gun type. In the case of the cut pile guns, this problem is less problematic compared to cut pile tufting guns because of the number of cuts on the yarn. The cut pile gun cuts the yarn in each needle movement because of this there are thousands of cuts even in a small size rug.

If you can tuft in an open space, then it is great. But if this is not an option there are a few solutions that you can use.

Wearing a dust mask can be the easiest solution. Since we already wear it all day why not use it when we are alone and just enjoying tufting 🙂 It is also relatively the cheapest option to use, you can check the current price for the dust mask here. If you are not tufting extremely, it is better to use a mask more than one time to reduce the amount of plastic waste that we create, or instead of single-use options, you can consider using a reusable mask for a longer time.

Dust Mask

In addition to that, it is better to vacuum your workspace and the rug frequently to remove all the particles on the surfaces.

As a supplementary step, using an Air Purifier can be helpful to clean the particular moving on air. You can place one closer to the tufting station and it will help to keep your lungs healthy. The price range of the air purifiers can vary between 50$ to 250$, you can check it here.

General Safety Tools

To be safer when you are tufting it is better to use some protective gloves against any kind of cuts, scratches, or damage. It is always better to safe than sorry. Any kind of gloves similar to these ones would work perfectly. In addition to the protective gloves, you can consider using protective eyewear, it can easily protect you from any kind of physical damage or dust in the air. You can find it easily in local stores and online.

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