Are tufting guns loud? How loud is the Tufting Gun?

Are tufting guns loud?

If you are thinking to start rug tufting with a tufting gun you may ask this question, especially if you are living in an apartment flat with close neighbors. We did some measurements of average decibel (dB) levels of tufting guns and other everyday objects to be able to compare.

The Tufting Gun (AK-I Cut-Pile Gun) creates approximately 85 dB, it is not so loud in general but maybe it can be considered as a bit noisy for an apartment flat. The average decibel level of a normal conversation is around 60 dB and a noisy restaurant environment is considered between 80 dB – 90 dB. Sounds above 85 dB can be harmful to humans.

*The decibel level of the tufting gun is measured by a dB Meter App on a smartphone, it may not be completely accurate but enough to make a comparison.

Comparison Table Of Decibels

In the table below you can see the place of an average Tufting Gun in comparison with other noises.


Average Decibels (dB)

Soft Music


Average Home Sound


Normal Conversation


Tufting Gun (AK-I Cut-Pile Gun)




Rock Concert


Gun Shot



Since it is just on the edge of harmful decibel level it is better to use some protection against the noise. Staying under the effect of the tufting gun’s sound consistently for a long time can cause some issues. There are a few basic things that you can do to avoid having problems.

Using a simple air plug or noise-canceling headphones while you are tufting can help.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.